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Tin Can Bay Yacht Club (Latitude 25 54.09’S, Longitude 153 00.86’E) is located at Norman Point, Tin Can Bay, on the tidal shores of Snapper Creek in Tin Can Inlet at the southern end of the Great Sandy Strait in Queensland.

Our Vision

To promote, foster and conduct the sport of sailing and boating in general by encouraging the study of seamanship, navigation, safety and pleasure in boating, and to encourage junior participation in the sport by promoting safety on the water, personal development, confidence and team building.


2024/25 Membership: Visit the Membership Page for more information and to download the 2024/25 Membership Application Form.

Volunteer Race Officials Required: If anyone is interested in becoming a Race Officer on a regular basis, please Contact Us. We're always on the lookout for new volunteers to help out on club racing and regatta days. It's a lot of fun on our start boat, Doris Noble, watching the racing and officiating on the day. A Recreational Marine Driver's License (RMDL) is beneficial but not essential. All training is provided.

Yachtie Bar & Cafe: For more information visit the Yachtie Bar & Cafe page.
Follow the
Yachtie Bar & Cafe Facebook page for the latest news and information.

AS Sail Pass: Not a member of TCBYC but are participating in club sailing activities as a skipper or crew? You need an Australian Sailing Sail Pass. Click HERE for information and to apply.

Non-Smoking Venue: Tin Can Bay Yacht Club is a NON-SMOKING VENUE. This means smoking is prohibited on any part of the TCBYC leasehold, including all areas surrounding the clubhouse, car park, the rigging area, boat ramps, and hardstand. Fines may be imposed for infringements. This state legislation came into effect on 1 September 2016.

Upcoming Events

9 February

Summer Series 3, Races 5 & 6

Briefing at 12.00. Racing starts 1.00pm. 

14 February

Valentine's Day Trivia Night

Meals from 5.30pm (special menu). Trivia starts at 6.30pm. Best-dressed Valentine prizes. $5.00 per player (trivia only). Register teams of 4 to 6 with Pam.

Bookings essential - phone the Club.

23 February

Summer Series 3, Races 7 & 8

Briefing at 12.00. Racing starts 1.00pm.


9 March

Summer series 4, Races 1 & 2

Briefing at 12.00. Racing starts 1.00pm.

23 March

Summer Series 4, Races 3 & 4

Briefing at 12.00. Racing starts 1.00pm. 


6 April

Summer Series 4, Races 5 & 6

Briefing at 12.00. Racing starts 1.00pm. 

18-21 April Easter 

No Racing

3 - 4 May

bay to Bay Regatta

Briefing at 1TBA 

18 May

Summer Series 4, Races 7 & 8

Briefing at 12.00. Racing starts 1.00pm.

30 May or 6 June

Presentation Night 


Affiliated Organisations

Tin Can Bay Yacht Club is affiliated with other community organisations:

Funding Support

Tin Can Bay Yacht Club wishes to acknowledge the funding support of the following state and local government agencies:
Department of Housing & Public Works (Sport & Recreation)
Grant for installation of solar panels
Grant for 2 Quest Sailing Dinghies
Kick Start Qld Grant Logo.jpg
Queensland Government
Covid-19 Kick Start Grant
Grant for Dinghy Ramp Renovation
Gympie Regional Council
Grant for Sail Training
Grant for Building Alterations to Modify the Clubhouse Deck Roof

© 2025 Tin Can Bay Yacht Club. All rights reserved

Site photography supplied by Julie Hartwig except where captioned

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